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F5 Application Connector
Enable Application Services Insertion Across Multi-Cloud Deployments

F5 Application Connector

F5 Networks Products
BIG-IP Products
F5 Application Connector
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What’s Inside

  • Deploying Apps Across Public Cloud Environments
  • Managing Apps in Multi-Cloud Deployments
  • Automatically Discover Public Cloud Apps
  • Enable Interconnect App Services Insertion
  • Extend and Consolidate App Services for MultiCloud Deployments
  • Application Connector Availability and Performance

As more applications migrate to the cloud and are born in the cloud, it’s becoming more difficult to maintain network requirements and consistent application policies. In addition, many architects are unaware of the amount of public cloud apps deployed, the current configurations and services for those apps, and how to discover apps in flight. According to the 2017 State of Application Delivery report, 38 percent of respondents find the public cloud strategically important and 32 percent are investing in future deployment.

F5 Application Connector is an add-on to the F5 BIG-IP platform, enabling services insertion for public cloud applications. In addition, it acts as a cloud proxy instance for securely connecting public clouds to an organization’s application service infrastructure within cloud interconnects (colocations) or data centers. This enables the use of public cloud resources as part of an organization’s compute infrastructure. Application Connector also performs workload discovery within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Azure public cloud, and provides a secure connection back to interconnect services or data centers—allowing application services insertion on the BIG-IP platform.

Key Benefits

Automatically discover public cloud apps
Application Connector automatically discovers AWS and Azure public cloud workloads and securely connects them to your cloud interconnect or data center infrastructure.

Enable interconnect app services insertion
Gain full control of cloud app delivery services such as SSL security and app protection—for all public cloud apps managed in one interconnect location. Reduce footprint by obfuscation of cloud apps from clients and consolidate cloud SSL key management on the BIG-IP appliance.

Extend app services across public clouds
Flexibly extend app delivery and security services across multiple public clouds and avoid cloud provider lock-in. Leverage service continuity by using consistent services insertion.

Consolidate app services for multi-cloud deployments
Lift and shift apps without sacrificing security. Consolidate app delivery and security services for born-in-the-cloud deployments. Use the only solution that automates AWS and Azure public cloud workload discovery and enables common app services across multi-clouds.

Deploying Apps Across Public Cloud Environments

By 2020, 68 percent of the cloud workloads will be in public cloud data centers, according to the Cisco Cloud Index report. Developers and operations are moving apps to the public cloud for a variety of benefits including scale, flexibility, agility of services, distributed architecture, and cost reductions.

However, the public cloud brings new challenges to solve such as encryption, attack protection, access, and high availability. IT departments are moving critical apps to public clouds that need to meet security and performance requirements.

Managing Apps in Multi-Cloud Deployments

As critical apps move to public clouds, organizations are leveraging interconnection services at colocation providers for direct public cloud access. Though, application delivery and security services across public cloud providers is disparate and varied—compared to onpremises and private cloud solutions.

Some of these application services are hard to replicate, control, or run inexpensively enough inside on-demand clouds. Security services such as SSL intercept, web application firewalls (WAFs), next-gen. firewalls, and access control solutions can be expensive to install and orchestrate across a distributed cloud infrastructure. These services can also require complex network designs not offered by all cloud providers. Creation of a cloud interconnect at a colocation provider is a way to equally service public cloud apps with a common services infrastructure.

Automatically Discover Public Cloud Apps

Application Connector performs workload discovery in the AWS and Azure public cloud, automatically connecting the BIG-IP platform with deployed application instances. You can orchestrate app integration across all public cloud providers. Application Connector securely connects public clouds to an organization’s cloud interconnect or data center infrastructure. This enables the use of cloud workloads as part of the organization’s compute infrastructure.

Pricing Notes:

F5 Networks Products
BIG-IP Products
F5 Application Connector
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